Podcasting Stories
Join David Spray as he talks with business owners about their podcasting stories.
Ep035: Planning and Capturing Your Life's Work
March 4th, 2022 | 46 mins 28 secs
Today on Podcasting Stories we are really excited to be talking to our guest, Ali Nasser
Ali has a new book that's just been released on February 22nd, 2022 titled The Business Owner's Dilemma. In this episode, we talked a bit about the book, why he wrote it, the three dilemmas that business owners face and substituting "ROI' or Return On Investment, with "ROLE" or Return On Life Experience.
We also talked about why entrepreneurs are different from non-entrepreneurs when it comes wealth and legacy planning and Ali gave us clarity on how to plan and capture your life's work.
If you are interested in entrepreneurship and creating a solid legacy, this is a great episode to learn how and you should absolutely consider getting Ali's book
Ep034: Launching The Gritmen with Chris Kolkhorst
February 4th, 2022 | 33 mins 11 secs
Today on Podcasting Stories, we're talking with Chris Kolkhorst.
Chris, you may remember, was a guest on the show back in episode 008 when he was thinking about starting a podcast, and at the time, we talked about his background and what he hoped to achieve from starting a show. Well, he ended up launching a podcast with our help, and now, 6 months later, we check back in to see how his podcast 'The Gritmen Show' is going.
We had a great conversation about why he launched the podcast, what he really enjoys about having a podcast, and of course, the lessons learned and what he'd do differently.
If you've ever considered having your own podcast, this is a great episode to get a perspective of somebody who had the same thought and who went on to execute that idea.
Ep033: Multi-Channel Podcasting with Tim Zacharias
January 14th, 2022 | 49 mins 9 secs
Today on Podcasting Stories, we're talking with Tim Zacharias, President of Cougar USA, a high-performance water control company for commercial buildings right here in Houston.
Tim is also the host of the Building Value podcast, so we talked about how the show supports their business niche, the impact the show has had on their business, and his insights from being a podcaster.
It was an especially interesting conversation as their approach focuses more on video and social media, whereas our approach focuses more on audio and email, so there's some great contrast and discussions based on the two perspectives.
If you've ever considered having your own podcast or you already have a podcast, there's a lot of great lessons from this interview with Tim.
Ep032: Keeping It Audio with Stuart Bell
December 9th, 2021 | 1 hr 17 secs
Today on Podcasting Stories, we're talking with Stuart Bell, my co-founder here at YourPodcast.team.
We caught up to talk about something we often get asked by clients, triggered, I think, by people's increasing comfort with Zoom, and seeing people like Joe Rogan releasing video; 'Should I record video as well as the podcast?'
So in this show, we take a deep dive into the challenges and look for any benefits of video and concluded, with only so much energy and attention to give to this project, the additional overhead will result in fewer episodes for little return.
It turned into a really interesting discussion on the pros and cons, so if you've been wondering whether video is worth it, listen in as we pull apart the benefits and challenges, and a great way to use the audio that gives almost all of the same returns.
Ep031: Checking In on a New Show with Jay Tompkins
December 3rd, 2021 | 31 mins 5 secs
Today on Podcasting Stories, we're talking with Jay Tompkins, CPA and tax partner with Baker Tilly, here in Houston.
You may remember we spoke with Jay on an episode earlier this year when he considered starting his own podcast. Well, the experience of being on the show went so well that he did just that, launching the Maverick CPA podcast over the Summer.
So today, we're checking in on how his new show is going. The lessons he's learned, successes he's had, advice he'd offer others considering starting a podcast, and how he's calculating his ROI.
This is a really great show to see how a guest experience shows the benefits of a podcast firsthand, and if you're on the fence about starting your show, this might be just the encouragement you need.
Ep030: Become the Expert in Your Niche with David Rosell
November 19th, 2021 | 42 mins 11 secs
Today on Podcasting Stories, we're talking with David Rosell, President of Rosell Wealth Management in Bend, Oregon.
In this episode, we learn more about the firm, David's unique approach to wealth management, and how he's focused on helping retirees and people approaching retirement maximize their income.
We also talk about how he engages and builds a rapport with this group of people, specifically the two excellent books he's written to guide people on their journey to financial independence, and his podcast that amplifies the message in his books.
If you've ever considered having your own podcast, or writing a book, this episode has a lot of great ideas and lessons that David has learned from his show so far.
Ep029: Authentic Leadership with Spencer Horn
November 12th, 2021 | 49 mins 50 secs
Today on Podcasting Stories, we're talking with Spencer Horn, a public speaker, entrepreneur, and co-host of the Team Performance podcast, from his home in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Through Spencer's experience as a leadership trainer with Altium Leadership, and his time as a keynote speaker and podcast host, he has a wealth of insights and lessons helping people take an authentic leadership approach.
We talk about some great case studies of clients with whom Spencer has worked and comments he's received from event attendees who felt his work and message were life-changing and life-affirming.
Spencer brings a servant-leader perspective to everything he does, and he is a really interesting guy to listen to. If you've ever considered a speaking career, launching a new podcast, or improving the podcast you already have, Spencer has some great advice.
Ep028: Another Day Above Ground with Carolyn Strauss
November 5th, 2021 | 42 mins 58 secs
Today on Podcasting Stories, we're talking with Carolyn Strauss, professional speaker and co-host of a podcast called "Another Day Above Ground".
In this episode, we learn more about Carolyn's fascinating background as a serial entrepreneur, clothing model, professional speaker, and podcaster, as well as her time as CEO of a clothing brand that was regularly featured on the Home Shopping Network for more than a decade.
It's a great conversation about the lessons learned in both business and life, some the hard way.
We then take a deep dive into her podcast experience, and she has an abundance of advice and suggestions for those considering launching a podcast and a lot of great ideas and tips to make it more successful and enjoyable.
Ep027: Creating Stories with Bob Kulhan
October 29th, 2021 | 47 mins 4 secs
Today on Podcasting Stories, we're talking with Bob Kulhan, founder and CEO of Business Improv, a corporate training and development firm that helps cultivate leadership and communication skills through team building games and improv.
Bob founded the business more than two decades ago, inspired by his career as an improvisation performer. They provide a high-end, up-on-your-feet opportunity to experience improv and improve leadership, team-building, and innovation, and he shares a great example of a dysfunctional leadership team that was transformed by the process in less than a year.
He's also intrigued by how a podcast could serve as a storytelling platform for his business and allow him to further his creativity in collaboration with his guests.
Bob is a really interesting guy who's been able to combine his vocation with his avocation. If you have ever considered having your own podcast, this episode has a lot of great ideas for starting your podcast.
Ep026: Showcase Strategic Partners with Jeff Pawlow
October 22nd, 2021 | 54 mins 17 secs
Today on Podcasting Stories, we're talking with Jeff Pawlow, the President of Engineered Tax Services, the nation's premier tax credit and incentive firm who marries the science of engineering with the principles of tax & accounting.
Jeff was recently promoted to President as a result of his firm, The Growth Partnership, merging with Engineered Tax Services, and in this episode, we learn about the history of both firms and the potential synergies that led to the merger.
Like many of our guests, Jeff is intrigued about the ways a podcast can amplify the message of the combined firm, but he's also thinking about using the podcast as a way to showcase key strategic partnerships.
If you've ever considered having your own podcast, this episode has a lot of great ideas on ways a podcast can be beneficial to you, your partners, and your potential clients.
Ep025: Insights from a New Podcaster with Chris Hanslik
October 15th, 2021 | 47 mins 16 secs
Today on Podcasting Stories, we're talking with Chris Hanslik, Chairman of the Houston law firm of Boyar Miller.
Chris was an early guest on my original podcast, the IC-DISC show, and following that became one of the first clients at YourPodcast.team. He was also the first client to publish 10 episodes of his show.
In today's show, we hear more about why Chris decided to launch a podcast, his experience so far, and the lessons he's learned from the first 10 episodes.
We also learn if Chris had to do it all over again, would he still launch a podcast? We also discussed one of his business setbacks and what he learned from it.
If you have ever considered having your own podcast, this episode has a lot of great insights from someone who launched their podcast just three months ago.
Ep024: Engaging Your Audience with Rob Ristagno
October 8th, 2021 | 37 mins 22 secs
Today on Podcasting Stories, we're talking with Rob Ristagno, CEO of Sterling Woods.
Founded more than six years ago, the company may seem like a consulting firm; but it is more accurately described as a data-enabled strategic partner whose clients often enjoy double or even triple-digit percentage growth rates. Rob shared a couple of client success stories that were really fascinating about how strategic client segmentation can result in significant revenue growth.
He started a podcast in 2020 called CEO Campfire Chat, that's an outgrowth of round table zoom calls he's had with his clients for some time. What is unique about the podcast is that he interviews a CEO guest but with a virtual studio audience of other CEOs. The audience makes comments and asks questions during the show, in a way that creates a fascinating dynamic.
So, if you've ever considered having your own podcast or are looking for ways to improve your current podcast, this episode has a lot of great ideas for you.
Ep023: Lessons from 50 Episodes with Anne Candido
October 1st, 2021 | 40 mins 30 secs
Today on Podcasting Stories, we're talking with Anne Candido, Co-Founder of Forthright People, a firm that specializes in on-demand branding and marketing based out of Cincinnati, Ohio.
In this episode, we learn more about the Forthright People and the serendipitous way Anne met her co-founder, April, and started their weekly podcast "Marketing Smarts" in 2020. We talk about the lessons Anne has learned from having a podcast and what she would do differently if she had to do it all over.
If you've ever considered your own podcast, this episode has a lot of great tips, insights, and lessons from someone who has released nearly 50 episodes of a successful show.
Ep022: Guiding Potential Clients with Chris Andersen
September 24th, 2021 | 48 mins 26 secs
Today on Podcasting Stories, we're talking with Chris Anderson of Be Destined, an M&A advisory and strategic consulting firm based in San Francisco that Chris founded more than a decade ago.
Be Destined is different from a typical M&A firm because they view themselves more as a guide, helping business owners achieve their destiny through selling, transferring, or growing the business.
In this episode, we learn more about the firm and some great client case-studies that really highlight their unique approach. Chris is interested in how a podcast could amplify the message and brand of the firm, and we had a great conversation brainstorming some different ways in which a podcast would be beneficial to the firm and the people they can best help.
If you have ever considered having your own podcast, this episode has a lot of great ideas on ways a podcast can make the most of your message.
Ep021: Sharing Better Stories with Paul Furiga
September 17th, 2021 | 46 mins 20 secs
Today on Podcasting Stories, we're talking with Paul Furiga, of PR company WordWrite based up in Pittsburgh, PA.
In this episode, we learn more about the firm Paul founded 20 years ago, his book "Finding Your Capital S Story," the business magazine he launched, and the podcast he created to accompany it.
For all of his business ventures, Paul's entire focus is to help companies better craft and communicate their story, so we talked about his own podcast experience and his desire to start a second podcast.
If you've ever considered having your own podcast, this episode has many great ideas on ways to craft the story of your podcast.
Ep020: Maximizing Your Podcast and LinkedIn with Colleen McKenna
September 10th, 2021 | 43 mins 43 secs
Today on Podcasting Stories, we're talking with Colleen McKenna of Intero Advisory from Baltimore, a firm who specialize in helping companies unlock the power of LinkedIn.
In this episode, we learn more about Intero, and how Colleen stumbled into this business 11 years ago while launching another consulting service. Colleen also has a podcast she started in 2019 with nearly 50 episodes released, so we talked about why she launched the podcast, lessons she learned along the way, and things she'd do differently if she started today.
If you have ever considered having your own podcast, this episode has a lot of great ideas, lessons and tips for launching and maintaining a successful podcast, and even if you're not ready for your own podcast, Colleen's deep insight into unlocking the power of LinkedIn will be useful to every entrepreneur.